Universal Inbox contains all the pending and assigned tasks of the currently logged in user.

Figure 1: Universal Inbox Properties

Custom ID

Item link slug. Optional field.

Value defined here must be unique to the rest of the Userview Menus as the first matching name will be called upon.

LabelMenu label. Mandatory field.

Figure 2: Universal Inbox Properties - UI

Show Number of Rows In Menu
Show Number of Rows In Menu.


Additional query will be performed to return record count every time the Userview loads.

List View Button Position
  • Top Left
  • Top Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Right
  • Top Left & Bottom Left
  • Top Right & Bottom Right
List View Custom Header

List View Custom Header in HTML.

List View Custom Footer
List View Custom Footer in HTML.
Assignment View Custom Header
Assignment View Custom Header in HTML.
Assignment View Custom Footer
Assignment View Custom Footer in HTML.