
This process tool plugin allows you to mint fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT) on the Hedera DLT.

  • Do ensure that the minter account has sufficient balance for the required transaction fee to mint tokens.

Plugin Properties

Configure Hedera Mint Token Tool

Operator IDSee Hedera Default Backend Configuration.
Operator Key
Network Type

Token Properties


Select a form to retrieve minting data from.

All fields from the selected form will be made available for field mapping in the sections below.

Minting Account
Account ID

The account to mint the token.

This account is set as the treasury account by default.

Account Mnemonic Phrase

This is the minter account's secret key required in order to perform actions with the minter's account.

Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the minter's encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.

Account Mnemonic Phrase MUST be strictly secured at all times, and only viewable to the intended user.

Do NOT key in the plain-text mnemonic phrase here.

Anyone who possesses this phrase has full unrestricted control and can do irreparable damage!

Minting Configuration
Token ID Handling

Select the action to perform:

  • Create New Token
  • Mint More Token

Token ID Handling (Create New Token)

This configuration tab will only appear when Token ID Handling property is Create New Token.

Mint Type

Select the type of token to mint:

  • Fungible Token
  • Non-fungible Token
Token Name

The token name (e.g.: MyFirstToken).

Token Symbol

Typical 3 to 5 characters long, and all letters in UPPERCASE.

Token Memo

A short publicly visible description about the token.

Amount To Mint

This property will only appear when Mint Type is Fungible Token.

Amount of fungible tokens to mint.

Based on the Token Decimals configured, this amount will be automatically adjusted, so there is no need to input the lowest denomination amount.
Example, for 2 token decimal points & to mint 500.50 tokens, there is no need to input "50050", you can simply input "500.50".
Token Decimals

This property will only appear when Mint Type is Fungible Token.

The number of decimal places a token is divisible by.

If Amount To Mint has decimal places exceeding the configured token decimals, the exceeded numbers are ignored.

IPFS Content ID

This property will only appear when Mint Type is Non-fungible Token.

The IPFS content ID of the file after uploading your file to IPFS. This value will be attached as the NFT metadata.
Example: QmeRdF1aybs9VKMYKM8E5tFPW96ngJ8i76Lia763wVtNX6

Token Max Supply

For Fungible Token, this defines the maximum number of tokens that can ever be in circulation.

For Non-fungible Token, this defines the maximum number of NFTs (serial numbers) that can ever be minted.

This value can never be changed after mint.

For Fungible Token, based on the Token Decimals configured, this amount will be automatically adjusted, so there is no need to input the lowest denomination amount.
Example, for 2 token decimal points & to set a max supply of 999.12 tokens, there is no need to input "99912", you can simply input "999.12".

Token ID Handling (Mint More Token)

This configuration tab will only appear when Token ID Handling property is Mint More Token.

Mint Type

Select the type of token to mint more of:

  • Fungible Token
  • Non-fungible Token
Token ID

The token ID of the token you wish to mint more of.

Additional Amount To Mint

This property will only appear when Mint Type is Fungible Token.

Amount of fungible tokens to mint and add to the existing supply.
If Additional Amount To Mint value's decimal points exceeds the token's set decimals, the exceeded numbers are ignored.

IPFS Content ID

This property will only appear when Mint Type is Non-fungible Token.

The IPFS content ID of the file after uploading your file to IPFS. This value will be attached as the NFT metadata.

Token Keys Configuration

This configuration tab will only appear when Token ID Handling property is Create New Token.

Treasury Account

This account will receive the specified initial supply and any additional tokens that are minted.
If tokens are burned, the supply will decrease from the treasury account.

Defaults to Minter.

Admin Key
The key which can perform token update and token delete operations on the token.
The admin key has the authority to change:
  • Freeze key
  • Wipe key
  • KYC key
  • Pause key
  • Supply key

It can also update the treasury account of the token.

Selections available are:

  • Disabled
  • Operator
  • Minter (Default)

If Admin Key is disabled, token properties & supply & keys are PERMANENT upon mint!

Freeze Key

The key which can freeze or unfreeze any accounts from transacting with this token.
If disabled, no one can freeze token transactions for any account.

Selections available are:

  • Disabled
  • Operator
  • Minter (Default)
Wipe Key

The key which can wipe the token balance of an account.
If disabled, no one can wipe the token's balance for any account.

Selections available are:

  • Disabled
  • Operator
  • Minter (Default)

The key which can grant or revoke KYC to any account to participate in any interactions with this token.
If disabled, KYC is not required, and KYC grant or revoke operations are not possible.

Selections available are:

  • Disabled (Default)
  • Operator
  • Minter

If KYC Key is enabled, token receivers must be associated with the token & explicitly granted KYC before transacting with the token.

Pause Key

The key that has the authority to pause or unpause overall interactions with this token.
Pausing a token prevents the token from participating in all transactions.
If disabled, pausing is not possible.

Selections available are:

  • Disabled
  • Operator
  • Minter (Default)
Supply Key

The key which can change the total supply of a token.
This key is used to authorize token mint and burn transactions.
If disabled, minting/burning tokens is not possible.

Selections available are:

  • Disabled
  • Operator
  • Minter (Default)
Fee Schedule Key

The key which can change the token's custom fee schedule.
If disabled, changing the token's custom fee is not possible.

Selections available are:

  • Disabled
  • Operator
  • Minter (Default)

Store Token Data To Form

This configuration tab will only appear when Token ID Handling property is Create New Token.


Select a form to store the token data to.

All fields from the selected form will be made available for field mapping in the section below.

Field Mapping
Token ID

The unique identifier of a token.

This value will be stored as the record ID of the chosen form.

Token Type

Indicates if this is a Fungible Token or Non-fungible Token.

Token Name

The token name.

Token Symbol

The token symbol.

Minting Account

The account that minted this token.

Is Testnet Flag

To indicate if this minted token belongs to the mainnet or testnet.

Store NFT Data To Form

This configuration tab will only appear when Mint Type property is Non-fungible Token.


Select a form to store the NFT data to.

All fields from the selected form will be made available for field mapping in the section below.

Field Mapping
NFT Serial Number

The unique serial number of the minted NFT.

Associated Token ID

The token ID that this NFT belongs to.

Minting Account

The account that minted this NFT.

Is Testnet Flag

To indicate if this NFT belongs to the mainnet or testnet.

Store Response To Workflow Variable



Is Transaction Validated

To indicate if this transaction has been successfully validated.

Consensus TimestampTo store the timestamp of when the majority of the network members received the transaction. At this point, the transaction becomes final and verifiable.
Transaction IDTo store the transaction ID of the transaction performed.
Transaction Explorer URLTo store an auto-generated URL to see transaction details on a public ledger explorer. Default is Hashscan.