
This process tool plugin is able to perform various functions by the Hedera Token Service, for tokens minted on the Hedera DLT, e.g.: associate, grant KYC, token burn, etc.

Plugin Properties

Configure Hedera Token Management Tool

Operator IDSee Hedera Default Backend Configuration.
Operator Key
Network Type

Token Management

Operation Type

Available operations are:

  • Associate - Associates a token to a target account.
  • Dissociate - Dissociates a token from a target account.
  • Grant KYC - Grants KYC to a target account for a token.
  • Revoke KYC - Revokes KYC from a target account for a token.
  • Freeze - Freeze a target account from all transactions of a token.
  • Unfreeze - Unfreeze a target account to restore participation to a token.
  • Wipe - Wipes a specified amount of fungible or non-fungible token of a target account.
  • Pause - Pause all transactions for a token.
  • Unpause - Unpause a token to restore interactions with a token.
  • Delete - Mark the token as deleted, which permanently ceases any further interactions with the token.
  • Burn - Burn a specified amount of fungible or non-fungible token from existing supply.

For more info on these operations, see:


Select a form to retrieve data from.

All fields from the selected form will be made available for field mapping in the sections below.

Token ID

The ID of an existing token that you wish to apply the selected operation with.

Transaction Memo

Insert your own custom note for transactions. Also accepts Hash Variable.

Target Account ID

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Associate, Dissociate, Grant KYC, Revoke KYC, Freeze, Unfreeze, Wipe.

The account to apply the selected operation type to.

Target Account Mnemonic Phrase

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Associate or Dissociate.

Mnemonic phrase of the target account.

Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the target account's encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.

Account Mnemonic Phrase MUST be strictly secured at all times, and only viewable to the intended user.

Do NOT key in the plain-text mnemonic phrase here.

Anyone who possesses this phrase has full unrestricted control and can do irreparable damage!

KYC Account Mnemonic Phrase

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Grant KYC or Revoke KYC.

Mnemonic phrase of the account that holds the KYC key of the defined token.

Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.

Freeze Account Mnemonic Phrase

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Freeze or Unfreeze.

Mnemonic phrase of the account that holds the freeze key of the defined token.

Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.

Wipe Account Mnemonic Phrase

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Wipe.

Mnemonic phrase of the account that holds the wipe key of the defined token.

Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.

Wipe Token Type

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Wipe.

Select the token type to wipe from the target account:

  • Fungible Token
  • Non-fungible Token
Amount of Tokens to Wipe

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Wipe & Wipe Token Type is Fungible Token.

Amount of fungible tokens to wipe from the target account.

Wiped tokens are burned and will decrease the token's total supply.

NFT Serial Number to Wipe

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Wipe & Wipe Token Type is Non-fungible Token.

The serial number of the NFT to wipe from the target account.

Expects an integer value (e.g.: 1).

Pause Account Mnemonic Phrase

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Pause or Unpause.

Mnemonic phrase of the account that holds the pause key of the defined token.

Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.

Admin Account Mnemonic Phrase

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Delete.

Mnemonic phrase of the account that holds the admin key of the defined token.

Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.

Supply Account Mnemonic Phrase

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Burn.

Mnemonic phrase of the account that holds the supply key of the defined token.

Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.

Burn Token Type

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Burn.

Select the token type to burn from existing supply:

  • Fungible Token
  • Non-fungible Token
Amount to Burn

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Burn & Burn Token Type is Fungible Token.

Amount of fungible tokens to burn from existing supply.

NFT Serial Number to Burn

This property is only applicable when Operation Type is Burn & Burn Token Type is Non-fungible Token.

The serial number of the NFT to burn.

Expects an integer value (e.g.: 1).

Store Response To Workflow Variable

Is Transaction Validated

To indicate if this transaction has been successfully validated.

Consensus TimestampTo store the timestamp of when the majority of the network members received the transaction. At this point, the transaction becomes final and verifiable.
Transaction IDTo store the transaction ID of the transaction performed.
Transaction Explorer URLTo store an auto-generated URL to check transaction details on a public ledger explorer. Default is Hashscan.