Assume that the process definition id is CRM#1#newpkg1_wp1, the username & password is admin, and the base URL of http://localhost:8080/jw/.

Start a Process

By using JSON API /json/workflow/process/start/(*:processDefId)

Please note that one must use POST to make such particular JSON API call.

Sample Call:


Sample  Result:


NOTE: workflow variables can be set when starting a process by passing additional parameters into the URL, e.g., var_ticketId=123456&var_relatedTo=network.

Complete the Assignment with Variables

By using JSON API /json/workflow/assignment/completeWithVariable/(*:activityId)

Please note that one must use POST to make such particular JSON API call.

Sample  Call:


Sample  Result:


Abort a Process

By using JSON API /json/workflow/process/abort/(*:processId)

Please note that one must use POST to make such particular JSON API call.

Sample  Call:


Sample  Result:
