
The JSON Form Data Store is a feature that allows users to save and load data into a Joget form through the use of the JSON format. This feature allows data to be loaded into a form through a JSON URL.

Figure 1: JSON API selected as Load Data From & Save Data To

Figure 2: Configure JSON API (Load)

JSON Form Data Store Properties


JSON URL. This field is required when JSON API is selected in Datasource above.


Call Type

HTTP method for sending and receiving API requests.

Passover Current Request Cookies

Base JSON Object Name for Multirow Data

Name of the object that contains an array to be based on.

Request Headers

Add name(s) and value(s) to the request header.
Primary Key

Unique key used to identify records.

Manual Field MappingCheck if you want to manually assign the records to the form fields.
Field Mapping

Mapping with JSON data with Form fields.

Field NameForm Field ID
JSON Object NameJSON Property Name
Debug Mode

Show relevant debug entries in the server log for debugging purposes.

Handling For Field Workflow Variable?

Check to update workflow variable based on form field. Not applicable for grid elements.

Handling for Uploaded Files?

Check to store uploaded files to "app_formuploads" based on form properties table name.

Download Sample App

Figure 3: Download the demo app below to view how JSON API is used in form settings to populate form records

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