Date Picker extends the capability of a normal text field with a date picker library.

New feature added in Joget Workflow v6.

  • Field Type
  • 24 Hours Format

Figure 1: Screenshot highlighting Date Picker obtained from sample Expenses Claim App

Screenshots taken from http://localhost:8080/jw/web/console/app/hr_expense/1/form/builder/hr_expense_claim_entry

Figure 2: Date Picker Properties

IDElement ID (By declaring as "date", a corresponding database table column "c_date" will be created)
LabelElement Label to be displayed to end user.
Allow Manual InputRather than using the calendar picker, user may key in the date directly if checked.
Field Type

New date picker property to define the field type as:

  • Date Only
  • Date and Time
  • Time Only

Newly introduced in Joget Workflow v6

Figure 3: Date Picker Properties - Advanced Options

Default Value

Default Value when there's no existing value found/selected.

Hashvariable is accepted here. For example, you may key the following


Date format defined here should follow Data Format.

24 Hours Format

If "Date And Time" and "Time" field types are selected, this property will appear where you can select 12 or 24 Hours format.

Checked for 24 Hours format.

Unchecked for 12 Hours format.

Newly introduced in Joget Workflow v6

Data Format

The Data Format uses the Java date syntax. For example, the yyyy-MM-dd displays as 2019-10-23.


Attach a Validator plugin to validate the input value.

Validation will takes place whenever form is submitted except when it is submitted as "Save as Draft".

Start Date Field IDThis option should be used in conjunction of "Set Current Date As".
End Date Field IDThis option should be used in conjunction of "Set Current Date As".
Set Current Date As

Choices of:-

  • Minimum Date
  • Maximum Date
Display Format

The Display Format uses the jQuery date syntax. For example, the yy-M-dd displays as 2019-10-23.

Date Picker Year Range

Range of years to be shown

In essence, the value left of the colon ":" must be a negative number and on the right must be a positive number. It indicates to Joget Workflow how many years earlier and how many years forward to display in the year select box based on the selected year.

A value of "c-0:c+0" is also valid, this indicates to the user that he cannot change the year value (it will default to the current system year).

ReadonlyDetermines if the element is editable.
Display field as Label when readonly?

Displays the value of the element as plain text when element is set to "Readonly".

Workflow Variable

If the form is part of a workflow process, upon saving of the form (by clicking on "Save as Draft" or "Complete" button). The value in this input field will be saved into the corresponding workflow variable named here.

You will get the following warning with the name printed out (e.g. status) in the server log if you attempt to map to a non-existent Workflow Variable.

context attribute status does not exist in process context - adding new attributes to the process context is not allowed