Rich Text Editor offers the interface for editing rich text within web browsers, which presents the user with a "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" (WYSIWYG) editing area.

This feature is enhanced in Joget Workflow v6 with new Rich Text Editor.

Figure 1: Screenshot highlighting Rich Text Editor in Form Builder

Figure 2: Rich Text Editor Properties

ID Element ID (By declaring as "message", a corresponding database table column "c_message" will be created)
Label Element Label to be displayed to end user.

Figure 3: Rich Text Editor Properties - Advanced Options

Value Default Value

 Attach a Validator plugin to validate the input value.

Validation will takes place whenever form is submitted except when it is submitted as "Save as Draft".


Determines if the element is editable.

Full Features Toolbar?

Show full features toolbar when checked.


Newly introduced in Joget Workflow v6

Height (px)Defines the height of the rich text editor.