Advanced Form Row Data Binder is an extended version of the default Form Data Binder. It allows you to add in Filter Conditions in a guided and friendly manner.

This feature has been enhanced in Joget Workflow v6 to support join, group and aggregate function.

Figure 1: Advanced Form Data Binder Properties

FormSource form to retrieve data from.
Joins Form Data Table

This is a new feature in Joget Workflow v6.

Form Data Table NameTarget table to join with
FieldTarget table field to join with
Join Field IdParent field Id to join with

In the screenshot example in Figure 1, such configurations can be presented with the following SQL.

SELECT * FROM "Claim Entry" entry JOIN hr_expense_claim claim ON = entry.claim



Figure 2: Advanced Form Data Binder Properties - Advanced - Filter

Filter Conditions

Filter Conditions

Join Type
  • And
  • Or

Field ID. (e.g. title)

  • Equal
  • Not Equal
  • Greater Than
  • Greater Than Or Equal
  • Less Than
  • Less Than Or Equal
  • Like
  • Not Like
  • In
  • Not In
  • Is True
  • Is False
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
ValueFilter value
Extra Conditions

Additional condition(s) for filtering the data set. HQL is the expected here.

Start your filter name with e.customProperties. followed by the field id (i.e. title)

You may even use operator such as "LIKE" to narrow down your data set.

e.customProperties.title = 'Trip'

Hash variable is accepted here.

e.customProperties.submitted_by = ''

Userview Key can be used as part of the condition.

e.customProperties.category_id = '#userviewKey#'

Figure 3: Advanced Form Data Binder Properties - Advanced - Aggregate Query

This is a new feature in Joget Workflow v6.

Aggregate Fields

Select field is to aggregated.

  • Count
  • Count Distinct
  • Sum
  • Min
  • Max
  • Avg

In the sample screenshot above, the "amount" field will be put into the "Sum" function, and "Count" will be applied to "title".

Group By

Add grouping clause/function to the eventual data set. This can be used together with Aggregate Fields above.

In the sample screenshot above, the "amount" field will be summed up by "claimant", shown in per record row.

Having ConditionsThe HAVING clause enables you to specify conditions that filter which group results appear in the final results. The WHERE clause places conditions on the selected columns, whereas the HAVING clause places conditions on groups created by the GROUP BY clause. Read more at

The configurations shown in Figure 3 will produce the following sample result.

Figure 4: Sample result

Figure 5: Advanced Form Data Binder Properties - Advanced - Expression Columns

This is a new feature in Joget Workflow v6.

Expression Columns

Additional column can be added in this expression columns. This is especially useful when you need to perform additional computation on multiple columns.

CAST(price AS long)
CAST(e.customProperties.sales_price AS long) - CAST(e.customProperties.price AS long)



Custom Checkbox/Radio Button Value

Define custom record ID to be used to pass over to column action. Defaulted to ID.