SLA Report provides you with high-level reports on the performance of processes where an SLA is implemented.

Before such report can be generated, one must first enable the Process Data Collector at each intended Joget App. Please see Enabling Data Collection for SLA Implementation.


Figure 1: Screenshot of SLA Report in a Userview

Figure 2: Screenshot of SLA Report in a Userview - specific process view

Figure 3: SLA Report Properties

Custom ID

Item link slug. Optional field.

Value defined here must be unique to the rest of the Userview Menus as the first matching name will be called upon.

LabelMenu label. Mandatory field.

Figure 4: SLA Report Properties - UI

Custom Header

Custom Header in HTML.

Custom FooterCustom Footer in HTML.


SLA Report Run Time View

The userview SLA Report menu provide two views:

  1. First level: overview of all process SLA
  2. Second level: overview of all activities under the selected process (accessed by clicking the process name in first level view).

If your app has uncompleted activities/tasks, the 'Max Delay' timer will continue to increment as the system calculates the maximum delay time based on current time.


Guide To The SLA Display Columns


You can configure the Performance settings in this Userview Element which allows one to cache existing content for improved performance and loading speed. Read more at Performance Improvement with Userview Caching.

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