About Deadlines

Deadlines act as a timer which triggers an exception transition to another activity when a specified duration has elapsed. Deadlines can be set for each activity.

We set time limits on each activity, which will trigger an exception (in this case, a specific string variable). When a matching transition that has the condition set to 'exception' matches this string value, the transition will be invoked.

Download the tutorial app on Process Deadline from Joget Workflow Marketplace to learn more.

Types of Deadlines

Setting Deadlines - A Step-by-Step Guideline

Activating Deadline Checker

Setting Deadlines in Activities

Setting Transition as Exception Flow


Remember to turn on Deadline Checker Interval in General Settings so that Deadlines will be triggered.

When an activity assignment is created, any associated deadline(s) is also created at that instance and ready to be executed upon its set deadline duration. Because of this, deadlines will also store the values of workflow variables at the time of creation of such activity.

Hence, any modification to the workflow variables after the creation of the deadline(s) will not take into effect (e.g: changing workflow variable values in the Process Monitor), while the old values will.