Request Joget License Steps

This article will describe the steps to activate your Joget Workflow Enterprise License.

1. Obtaining your System Key

You need to take note that the system key may change if the network interface changes, which will then require license reactivation.

2. Requesting for License Key

3. Applying the license

Alternate LInk To License Page

You can also access the license page via this URL: http://localhost:8080/jw/web/console/home (Change the domain name accordingly). Scroll down to the footer and click on the "License: Joget DX Enterprise 7" hyperlink.

Joget License Based On Total Apps

You can request for a Joget license with apps count protection. For example, request a Joget license for unlimited users for a maximum of three apps only. The app license count applies to the first three apps based on appId in ascending order for published apps.

To request for a Joget license based on total apps, go to license request and select the following ":

To exclude the app center from being counted, you can delete the default app center app and use the setting in "System Settings > General Settings > Default Userview" to another app.

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