Universal Theme is a responsive theme with material design.

This is a new feature in Joget Workflow v6.


Figure 1: Universal Theme in mobile and desktop view

Figure 2: Properties - General

Menu Position

Determines the position of the menu

  • Side Menu
  • Horizontal Menu below Header
  • Horizontal Menu inline with Header
  • No Menu
Theme Scheme
  • Dark
  • Light
Primary Color

Color Scheme-Primary Color.

Choose from the preset colors or custom, By choosing custom, you can define the color manually or through the color picker.

Link Color

Color Scheme-Link Color.

Choose from the preset colors or custom, By choosing custom, you can define the color manually or through the color picker.

Button Color

Color Scheme-Button Color.

Choose from the preset colors or custom, By choosing custom, you can define the color manually or through the color picker.

Button Text Color

Color Scheme-Button Text Color.

Choose from the preset colors or custom, By choosing custom, you can define the color manually or through the color picker.

Menu Font Color

Color Scheme-Menu Font Color.

Choose from the preset colors or custom, By choosing custom, you can define the color manually or through the color picker.

Font Color

Color Scheme-Font Color.

Choose from the preset colors or custom, By choosing custom, you can define the color manually or through the color picker.


Figure 3: Properties - Advanced

Favicon URLDefine the path to custom Favicon URL.
Logo URLDefine the path to custom Logo URL
Disable ProfileDisable fetching user's profile photo
User Image
  • Hide
  • Gravatar Service
  • Using Hash Variable
    • Define Hash Variable To Retrieve User Image URL

  • No Inbox
  • Show all assignments
  • Show current App assignment only
Shortcut Link LabelShortcut Link Label
ShortcutDefines links to be parked under Shortcut menu
User Menu ShortcutDefines links to be parked under User menu

Enable Responsive Switch in Mobile Device?


When checked, "Switch to desktop version" link will be shown in mobile device.

Remove Auto Title from Process/Assignment form?


When checked, process title and activity name will be removed from assignment form. In the screenshot below, the highlighted red box denotes the process title and activity name.

Home BannerCustom HTML for Home Banner
Custom CSSCustom CSS for the theme
Custom JavascriptCustom Javascript for the theme


Figure 4: Properties - Login Page UI

Custom HTML (Before Login Form)Custom HTML to be placed in the login form
Custom HTML (After Login Form)Custom HTML to be placed in the login form


Figure 5: Properties - Permission

Hide this Userview in App Center?When checked, this particular Userview will not be listed in App Center.
Permission TypeWhite list to determine access to this Userview.