本文中包含的电子邮件审批系统 充当电子邮件轮询系统,可根据配置定期提取电子邮件并完成作业。

图1 : 配置监听器

同一时间点可以配置多个监听器. 从技术上讲,每个监听器都将是一个流程实例,它在循环中重复运行,直到用户终止它。


图 2: IMAP邮件设置





请注意,检查间隔也受到Joget Workflow系统设置中设置的截止检查器间隔的限制。


图4:监听器设置 - 主题和内容


确保您匹配您在其他Joget Workflow应用程序中发送的外发邮件的内容。

可能需要一些尝试才能正确完成,因此您可以打开“ 调试模式”以获取相关日志以进行调试。


{unuse}ID: {processId}
{unuse}Remarks: [{form_approval_new_application_approval_action_remarks}]


The following application required your approval with details:
Name : #form.seaa_application.name#
Email : #form.seaa_application.email#
ID: #assignment.processId#
Please reply this email with keyword "Approved", "Rejected" or "Clarification Required". 
If your have remark message, please fill inline between the square brackets below.
Remarks: [ ]
==  This is a system generated message. ==


The following application required your approval with details:
Name : Etta
Email : etta@joget.com
ID: 43_seaa_new_application_approver_process
Please reply this email with keyword "Approved", "Rejected" or "Clarification Required".
If your have remark message, please fill inline between the square brackets below.
Remarks: []
==  This is a system generated message. ==



> The following application required your approval with details:
> ====================================
> Name : Etta
> Email : etta@joget.com
> ID: 43_seaa_new_application_approver_process
> ====================================
> Please reply this email with keyword "Approved", "Rejected" or "Clarification Required".
> If your have remark message, please fill inline between the square brackets below.
> Remarks: [356pm approved]
> ==  This is a system generated message. ==


INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:50 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - Connect to IMAP for machine@sample-joget.com
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:53 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - IMAP connected for machine@sample-joget.com
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:53 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - Unread Messages: 1
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:54 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - Subject filter for (Re: Email Approval).
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:55 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - --- Mail 0: Re: Email Approval ---
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:55 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - Sender: Cat Grant <cat-grant@sample-joget.com>
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:55 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - Mail Content: Approved____> The following application required your approval with details:__> ====================================__> Name : Etta__> Email : etta@joget.com__> ID: 43_seaa_new_application_approver_process__> ====================================__>__> Please reply this email with keyword "Approved", "Rejected" or "Clarification Required".__>__> If your have remark message, please fill inline between the square brackets below.__> Remarks: [356pm approved]__>__> ==  This is a system generated message. ==__>__>__
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:55 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - subject_pattern:
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:55 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - subject_reg:
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:55 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - subject_reg:
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:55 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - content_pattern: {form_approval_new_application_approval_action_status}__{unuse}__{unuse}ID: {processId}__{unuse}Remarks: [{form_approval_new_application_approval_action_remarks}]__{unuse}__
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - content_reg: \{form_approval_new_application_approval_action_status\}__\{unuse\}__\{unuse\}ID: \{processId\}__\{unuse\}Remarks: \[\{form_approval_new_application_approval_action_remarks\}\]__\{unuse\}__
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - content_reg: (.*?)__([\s\S]*)__([\s\S]*)ID: (.*?)__([\s\S]*)Remarks: \[(.*?)\]__([\s\S]*)__
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - key: form_approval_new_application_approval_action_status
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - value: Approved
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - key: unuse
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - value: __> The following application required your approval with details:__> ====================================__> Name : Etta__> Email : etta@joget.com
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - key: unuse
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - value: >
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - key: processId
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - value: 43_seaa_new_application_approver_process
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - key: unuse
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - value: > ====================================__>__> Please reply this email with keyword "Approved", "Rejected" or "Clarification Required".__>__> If your have remark message, please fill inline between the square brackets below.__>
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - key: form_approval_new_application_approval_action_remarks
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - value: 356pm approved
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - key: unuse
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - value: >__> ==  This is a system generated message. ==__>__>
INFO  02 Mar 2016 16:52:56 App: eas - Poll Email tool  - Submit Form for assignment: 81_43_seaa_new_application_approver_process_approval {approval_new_application_approval_action_status=[Ljava.lang.String;@e992653, approval_new_application_approval_action_remarks=[Ljava.lang.String;@68a31aa1}





图 5: 可选 - SMTP 邮件自动回复设置
