Form Grid extends the default functionalities of a typical grid element. Unlike the generic grid element that only accepts standard text field for its inputs, the Enhanced Grid Form Element captures data by making reference to another form element. Hence, one can take full advantage of what a typical form element has to offer, e.g., validation and formatting.

Figure 1: Screenshot of Form Grid in sample HR Expenses Claim app

Figure 2: Screenshot of Form Grid in sample HR Expenses Claim app - Add New Row

Figure 3: Form Grid Properties

IDElement ID (By declaring as "entries", a corresponding database table column "c_entries" will be created)
LabelElement Label to be displayed to end user.

The columns defined here must be correspondent to the Form chosen above.


Field ID of the target form.


In "HR Expense Claim Entry" form, there are Form Elements with the ID "date", "category", "purpose", and "formattedAmount"

LabelColumn Label.
Format Type

If you would like to format the returned value, you may make use of the format type.

Default choice: Text.

Available Format Types

  • Text - formats the value as text
  • HTML - outputs data as HTML
  • Date - formats as date. Original Date and New Date formats are expected in the "Format" field.
    Format: (input format)|(output format)
    Example of usage:
    Original value: 5/23/2012
    Expected value: 2012/5/23
    Format: M/d/y|y/M/d
    Note: Please refer to Java SimpleDateFormat for date format.
  • Decimal - formats as decimal. Number of decimals is expected in the "Format" field.
  • File - Show the value as a link to the attachment. Form Def ID is expected in the "Format" field.

    Specify the Form Def ID that contains the actual File Upload form element.

  • Image - Show the value as a thumbnail of the attachment. Form Def ID is expected in the "Format" field.

    Specify the Form Def ID that contains the actual Image Upload / File Upload form element.

  • Options - Show the label of multiple choice element given the value given. Form Def ID is expected in the "Format" field.

    Specify the Form Def ID that contains the actual Select Box / Radio / Check Box form element.


The Options format type is newly introduced in Joget Workflow v5.

The screenshot below shows an entry added with its values sourced from select box.

The screenshot below shows the corresponding label for the value captured using the Options format type.

FormatDepending on your chosen Format Type, additional argument may be entered here.

Column width in characters.


Figure 4: Form Grid Properties - UI

Enable Sorting FeatureDetermines if ordering of rows is to be enforced.
Field ID for SortingField to keep the ordering sequence; must correspond with a field id in the target form.
Form Submit Button Label (Normal Mode)Label of the Submit button in normal mode.
Form Submit Button Label (Readonly Mode)

Label of the Submit button in read-only mode.

Popup Dialog Height

Specifies the height, in characters.

Popup Dialog Width

Specifies the width, in characters.


Determines if the element is editable.

Disable Add FeatureDetermines if a new row can be added.
Disable Delete Feature

Determines if a row can be removed.

Delete confirmation messageConfirmation message when deleting a row.
Show Row Numbering?Shows numbering on the grid.

Figure 5: Form Grid Properties - Validation & Data Binder


Attach a Validator plugin to validate the input value.

Validation will takes place whenever form is submitted except when it is submitted as "Save as Draft".

Unique ColumnColumn/Field ID to identify record ID.
Min Number of Row Validation (Integer)
Min Number of Row Validation (Integer)
Max Number of Row Validation (Integer)
Max Number of Row Validation (Integer)
Error Message
Error message to be shown when row requirements set above is not met.
Load Binder

Option by default. Grid data will be saved/loaded in JSON format in its defined database cell.

In this example, Multirow Form Binder is used to load data from other form.

Store Binder

Option by default. Grid data will be saved/loaded in JSON format in its defined database cell.

In this example, Multirow Form Binder is used to load data from other form.

Figure 6: Form Grid Properties - Load Binder - Multirow Form Binder

FormForm to store to or load from
Foreign KeyForeign Key for records lookup.

Figure 6: Form Grid Properties - Store Binder - Multirow Form Binder

FormForm to store to or load from
Foreign KeyForeign Key for records lookup.