I've been using joget for 1 month and find it very easy to extend. It is quite impossible to predict every need of every developer but until now I've been able to workaround every apparent limitation. The current one is no exception. I was able to workaround it but my code is now a bit more difficult to maintain that it could be.

I wish I would be able to hide/show, depending on some variable or extension point, the tab of a multipage form. Likewise, I would like to make the tab readonly or not depending on some variable or extension point. 

This small improvement would make my application much easier to maintain.

I'm quite sure that I should be able to do this with javascript, but I don't know how to hide/show a tab, or make it readonly, in javascript.

The solution that I have is a huge number of different forms, one for each situation, which is hard to maintain.

I guess that by now you are a bit confused why do I need such a thing. Well, I came up with a workflow pattern that I think can be very useful for long processes. My process is long (49 activities), and in each activity the user has to add some more detail on the process. Most of the times the information to add depends on the information added by some other users before. So what I have is a MultiPage form with on tab per activity (actually not all activities have a tab on their own, some are auxiliary, I only have 13 tabs), where tab from past activities are showed readonly, tabs from future activities are hidden, and the one tab visible and writable is the tab for the current activity. Actually there is one other tab with a form that is writable for the all process - the comments form - but that form could be out of the tabular area.

So this is my wish for the MultiPage-Form, regardless to say that if someone knows of an easy solution to came up with this feature, please let me know.