When you are accessing Joget for the very first time, the database will need to be first initialized.

You will be presented with the following screen.

Figure 1: Database Setup

Take note that you must first create a new empty database before proceeding to the next screen.

There are 2 additional check boxes at the bottom for you to include sample users/apps to get you up to speed faster in learning Joget.


Figure 2: Successful Database Setup

Common errors

You may get the error above or a similar one if you attempt to set up a database with existing data. Do not use existing database to avoid data loss. To resolve this error, change the "Database Name" to another name. E.g. jwdb2, etc.


You may get the error above if Joget fails to connect to the database. Check your connection parameters and try again.


INFO  09 Oct 2015 15:39:03 org.joget.commons.util.DynamicDataSource  - datasourceName=workflow, url=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=jwdb, user=sa
ERROR 09 Oct 2015 15:39:18 org.joget.commons.spring.web.CustomContextLoaderListener  - ===== Error initializing WebApplicationContext =====

You may get the Error initializing WebApplicationContext after successful set up of database and usage of Joget subsequent. You will need to check your database connectivity from the app server to the database server. Your database server may not be available too.