Delete allows one to erase the database record of the matching record ID.

Figure 1: Screenshot highlighting Delete Action in Datalist

Figure 2: Screenshot highlighting Delete Action in action placeholder in Datalist Builder

Figure 3: Screenshot highlighting Delete Action in bulk action placeholder in Datalist Builder

Figure 4: Delete Action Properties


Link / Button label.

When action is added into bulk action placeholder, it will turn into a button.

FormForm to lookup to for record deletion.
Confirmation MessageConfirmation message before performing action.
Delete Associated Grid Data?If checked, grid elements found in the target form will have its data deleted as well.


New Feature in Joget Workflow v5

Delete Associated Child Form Data?If checked, child elements found in the target form will have its data deleted as well.


New Feature in Joget Workflow v5

Figure 5: Delete Action Properties - Visibility Control

 RulesControls on when the action should appear.