The Mobileview Disabled flag was not enabled

owen [1 hour ago]

@julian the Mobileview Disabled flag is due to the mobile options moved under theme setting? should cater for backward compatible like the login page custom html?

julian [1 hour ago]

if possible better lar


The URL seems to be different: (NEW - After upgrade to v6) (OLD)

julian [1 hour ago]

@hugo ya haha.. but some very obvious ones like the missing userview key i think is quite obvious lol.. thats caused by the diff spring version i think

Custom CSS

If you have written any CSS before based on v5, you will need to check again to ensure consistent look and feel across when upgraded to v6.

Mobile View Flag

The way properties is saved has been changed in v6. Having said that, certain property such as "Mobile View Disabled" flag that is checked in v5 will not be reflected in v6. One will need to inspect and check accordingly again in v6.