The URL seems to be different

If you have any (hardcoded) link that points directly to a userview page (e.g. that is working in Joget Workflow v5. The same link will no longer work in v6. This is due to the upgrade of Spring framework in Joget Workflow v6.

There is double forward slash in the link. We will need to add a (userview key) value in between them (e.g. _ )

The new working link would be with an extra underscore in it.

Custom CSS

If you have written any CSS before based on v5, you will need to check again to ensure a consistent look and feel across when upgraded to v6.

Check for Missing Plugin

If you have been using plugins from the marketplace, you may want to check if those custom plugins have been properly loaded into your new installation of Joget Workflow v6.

There are certain plugins that are first made available in the marketplace and have been incorporated into the official bundle of Joget Workflow v6. These are the non exhaustive list of plugins that are known:-