Dashboard menu displays multiple menu items from the selected Userview in a resizable grid layout.

This is a new feature in Joget Workflow v6.

You can configure the Performance settings in this Userview Element to cache existing content for improved performance and loading speed.

Read more at Performance Improvement with Userview Caching.

Figure 1: Dashboard Menu

Figure 2: Userview containing menu items meant for the Dashboard userview

Figure 3: Properties - General

Custom ID

Item link slug. Optional field.

Value defined here must be unique to the rest of the Userview Menus as the first matching name will be called upon.

LabelMenu label. Mandatory field.
Configuration Mode
  • Using Useview
    • Userview will need to be selected (See screenshot Figure 3 above)
    • See an example on the use of Userview Setting in the Expenses Claim app bundled in Joget Workflow Enterprise v6.
  • Using URL Portlet Setting
    • You may configure the path and settings to each portlet.
    • See an example on the use of URL Portlet Setting in the Customer Relationship Management app bundled in Joget Workflow Enterprise v6.

Figure 4: Properties - UI

Default Portlet Width (Column)Number of columns to show by default.
Default Min Grid Cell Height (px)Minimum height for each portlet.
ResizableDetermines whether end user should be able to resize the portlets.
Auto Adjust Portlet HeightWhen checked, portlet height will be automatically adjusted optimally according to its content.
Custom HeaderCustom HTML to be placed before the portlets.
Custom FooterCustom HTML to be placed after the portlets.

Figure 5: Properties - Advanced

Customize Portlet SettingYou can configure each of the portlet defined in the first tab here in terms of positioning, dimension, etc.