Enhanced Grid Form Element extends the default functionalities of a typical grid element. Unlike the generic grid element that only accepts standard text field for its inputs, the Enhanced Grid Form Element captures data by making reference to another form element. Hence, one can take full advantage of what a typical form element has to offer, e.g., validation and formatting.

Figure 1: Properties of Enhanced Grid Form Element


Element ID


Element Label


Target form to be used for data entry


Columns to be displayed in the grid. (Value must correspond to the element id in the target form


Determines if the grid is editable

Apart from setting up the columns, an external form can also be set to capture more data than what the grid actually shows. One can also define the format on the returned data.

Available Format Types

Figure 2: Properties of Enhanced Grid Form Element - UI

Enable Sorting Feature

Determines if ordering of rows is to be enforced

Field ID for Sorting

Field to keep the ordering sequence; must correspond with a field id in the target form 

Form Submit Button Label (Normal Mode)

Label of the Submit button in normal mode

Form Submit Button Label (Read-only Mode)

Label of the Submit button in read-only mode

Display field as Label when readonly?

Displays field values as plain text in target form when Form Grid is set to read-only 

Disable Add Feature

Determines if a new row can be added

Disable Delete Feature

Determines if a row can be removed

Delete confirm message

Confirmation message when deleting a row 

Show Row Numbering?

Shows numbering on the grid 

Popup Dialog Height

Target form dimension 

Popup Dialog Width

Target form dimension

Figure 3: Properties of Enhanced Grid Form Element - Validation

Unique Column

Field to keep the record primary key (e.g., id); must correspond with a field id in the target form

Min Number of Row Validation (Integer)

Minimum number of rows allowed

Max Number of Row Validation (Integer)

Maximum number of rows allowed

Error Message

Custom validation error message

Enhanced Grid Form Element in a Form

Adding a new row would bring up the external form and upon submission, the data will be stored accordingly in the background and in the columns, with matching IDs.

Figure 4: Working Example of the Enhanced Grid Form Element

Figure 5: Adding New Entry in the Working Example of the Enhanced Grid Form Element

Limitation: This element may not work well when the referencing form contains Add a Grid, Enhanced Grid Form Element (Form Grid), Subforms and AJAX Sub Form.