SQL Chart equips you with another medium of reporting by using charts. You are given the flexibility of defining your own SQL query to determine the charts that you would like to generate, ranging from a number of graph types.

SELECT c_status as 'status', COUNT(c_status) as 'count' FROM app_fd_tix_tickets WHERE c_status IS NOT NULL GROUP BY c_status

Userview Key Usage
Within the SQL query

Userview Key can be used as part of the SQL string itself.

SELECT c_status as 'status', COUNT(c_status) as 'count' FROM app_fd_tix_tickets WHERE c_status IS NOT NULL AND c_category_id = '#userviewKey#' GROUP BY c_status
Setting the Userview Key Name attribute

One may also define the filter name in Advanced > Userview Key Name which Joget will then take in account as part of the original query set earlier when fetching the dataset.

You may expect to get the same result regardless of methods used above.