
Process Status Formatter displays the process completion percentage and process path of the records.

Process Status Formatter Properties

Configure Process Status Formatter

Figure 1: Process Status Formatter Properties

Figure 2: Sample Process Status Formatter in runtime

Show Process Name?Check to show the process name that the record is involved in.
Show Future Process Activities?Check to show all possible future process activities.
Show Skipped Activities?Check to show activities that has been skipped in the process.
Username Display Format

Available options:

  • Username
  • Name
  • Name (Username)
Event Click CallbackWrite JavaScript here to trigger upon clicking on "completed" and "in progress" activity statuses.

Cache Settings




Caching options are:

  • None: No caching.
  • Application: Cache content by application where all users will see the same content.
  • User: Cache by username.
Duration (s)Duration in seconds to cache content, defaults to 20 seconds if applicable.

Read more at Performance Improvement with Userview Caching.