
Dashboard menu displays multiple userview menus from the selected Userview in a resizable grid layout.

Dashboard Properties

Configure Dashboard

Figure 1: Dashboard Properties

idMenu element unique id. Userview will use this id in the URL for the menu if the Custom ID is empty.
Custom ID

Item link slug. Optional field.

Ensure that value defined here is unique to other userview menus in the app, since the first matching/conflicting ID will take precedence in page loading.

LabelThe userview menu label. You can add Font Awesome Icons into your menu labels.
Configuration Mode
  • Using Userview
    • Userview will need to be selected. All the menus in the selected userview will be included as portlets in the dashboard.
    • See an example of this configuration in the default bundled Expenses Claim app in a default Joget installation.
    • Do not select the same userview where the dashboard menu is in.
  • Using URL Portlet Setting
    • You may configure the path and settings to each portlet.
    • See an example of this configuration in the default bundled Customer Relationship Management app in a default Joget installation.

Figure 2: Sample Dashboard in runtime


Figure 3: UI Properties

Default Portlet Width (Column)Number of columns to show by default.
Default Min Grid Cell Height (px)Minimum height for each portlet.

Determines whether end user should be able to resize the portlets.

Auto Adjust Portlet Height

When checked, portlet height will be automatically adjusted optimally according to its content.

Custom Header

Custom HTML to be placed before the portlets.

Custom Footer

Custom HTML to be placed after the portlets.


Figure 4: Advanced Properties

Customize Portlet Setting

You can configure each of the portlet in terms of positioning, dimension, etc.

Only applicable when "Using Userview" option for "Configuration Mode" field is selected. 

Performance & Offline

Cache Settings




Caching options are:

  • None: No caching.
  • Application: Cache content by application where all users will see the same content.
  • User: Cache by username.
Duration (s)Duration in seconds to cache content, defaults to 20 seconds if applicable.

Read more at Performance Improvement with Userview Caching.

PWA Offline Settings

Note: PWA Offline support is dependent on the theme used.



Enable cache for offline supportEnable caching for offline support, usually set for use on mobile browsers.

Read Progressive Web Application (PWA) for more information.

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