
Office Working Hour Deadline Plugin is an essential addition to the working environment where SLAs and deadlines are implemented.

This plugin will intercept and override how calculations are made by Joget when calculating due dates for SLAs and deadlines imposed on a process.

The Office Working Hour Deadline plugin takes the following into account during calculations:

Configure Office Working Hours

Figure 1: Office Working Hour Deadline Properties

HolidaysDefine holidays in this grid in "DD-MM-YYYY" format.
WeekendsCheck the weekend days where applicable.
Working Hours (From, 24-hour format)Define your working hours in 24 hours format without a colon sign in between.
Working Hours (To, 24-hour format)Define your working hours in 24 hours format without a colon sign in between.

Example Deadline/SLA Due Calculation

Properties & Export → Set Plugin Default Properties → Office Working Hour Deadline 

Figure 2: Sample Configurations on Office Working Hours plugin

As shown in figure above, the working hours set are from 9am to 6pm every weekday.

Figure 3: Sample process instance details view

A process instance is started on 5:48pm on 07 June. According to the process design, the process has a SLA of 15.0 hours.

With the Office Working Deadline plugin activated, the due date would not be a mere 7:27am + 15 hours. It will be 7:27am + 10 working hours, which means it will start from 9:00am.

On 07 June, there's only 9 working hours. On 08 June, which is another new working day, we will get a 6 hours from it Effectively, the due date would be on 08 June, 3:00pm.

Related Documentation

Deadlines act as a timer which triggers an exception transition to another activity when a specified duration has elapsed.