Run Process enables one to start a process instance from the Userview.

New Process Instance will start based on the latest process version of the current published App version.

Figure 1: Run Process Properties

Custom ID

Item link slug. Optional field.

Value defined here must be unique to the rest of the Userview Menus as the first matching name will be called upon.

LabelMenu label. Mandatory field.
ProcessProcess to start. Mandatory field.
Run process without confirmation screen?If checked, user will be prompted before proceeding to start the process instance.
Show in popup dialog?If checked, user will be presented a popup dialog to run the process instance.

Figure 2: Run Process Properties - Redirection

Message shown after process startedMessage shown after process started in text.
URL redirect after process startedURL
Field name for URL Redirect Value PassoverField ID of one of the form element in the preceding form to retrieve the value from.
Field Value Passover Method
  • Append to URL
  • As URL Request Parameter
Request Parameter NameParameter name to be added to the URL redirect.

Figure 3: Run Process Properties - Advanced

Userview Key NameIf defined, the corresponding form element defined here will be populated with the userview key value.

Screenshots taken from http://localhost:8080/jw/web/console/app/hr_expense/1/userview/builder/hr_expense_userview

You can configure the Performance settings in this Userview Element which allows one to cache existing content for improved performance and loading speed. Read more at Performance Improvement with Userview Caching.