Figure 1: Form in a Userview

Userview Form is one of Userview Builder's basic elements and a very important one. It allows one to integrate forms into the Userview, allowing users to interact with each other via forms.

Figure 2: Form Properties - Edit Form

Custom ID

Link name to be used as part of the URI constructed


Name of the element


Form to be loaded for the element

Show in popup dialog?

Loads the form in a popup dialog when checked


Enables readonly for the form when checked

Display field as Label when readonly?

Displays input fields as plain text in readonly mode

Figure 3: Form Properties - Redirection

Message Shown After Form Submission

Message confirming that form has been successfully submitted

URL Redirect After Form Submission

Performs redirection to defined path (possibly a relative path) after form submission (e.g., "")

URL Redirect on Cancellation

Performs redirection to defined path (possibly a relative path) after form cancellation

Redirect Target on Cancellation

Behavior when handling a redirection on cancellation.  Available options:

  • Top Window
  • Current Window

Field Name for URL Redirect Value Passover

Defines which form field value will be used as part of the redirection URL (e.g., "id")

Field Value Passover Method

Defines how the redirect URL will be constructed. Available options:

  • Append to URL (e.g., "" where "123" is the value of the field defined in "Field Name for URL Redirect Value Passover")
  • As URL Request Parameter (e.g., "")

Request Parameter Name

If "As URL Request Parameter" is chosen as the "Field Value Passover Method", the request parameter name must be defined in this field (e.g., "page").

Figure 4: Form Properties - UI

Submit Button Label

Defines custom Submit Button name

Cancel Button Label

Defines custom Cancel Button name

Custom Header

Defines custom HTML to be appended at the top of the form 

Custom Footer

Defines custom HTML to be appended at the bottom of the form

Figure 5: Form Properties - Advanced

Userview Key Name

Defines the field ID to pre-populate the form with 

Load Data Using Userview Key?