For the joget apps, I tried putting "Run Process" into the user view. It works, but I noticed that even if the user (even if they are anonymous) even CLICKS the option to run the process, it initiates the process, so it shows up in the list of running processes. Is there a way to disable this behavior, and only have the process actually start once the user actually submits the initial form?  

The problem is, when I click on Run Process, it already creates an instance of the process before I even click submit. So if someone accidentally hits run process (but they don't submit the form), or even if they just click back and forth between Home and Apply, then several instances are created. I only want it to be created if the user actually hits "Submit".

User just clicks on the Apply tab and fills nothing out, then clicks to a different tab.

The activity is already created "Apply". I don't want it to show up unless the user actually completes the form.

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    3 answers


      Hi Stephanie,


      In Joget,the runProcess circle is an activity too. So you can removed your first activity,n mapped the form for that activity to the runProcess.

      Hope it helps

      1. Yonathan

        Hi Stephanie, May I see your workflow design,just screenshot of the runProcess and first acticity would do and your Map activity to form.

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      Anders If we map the green circle to the 1st form, then there is no save as draft button. we must need a "Save as draft" on 1st activity. Please help

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        You need to map a form to the special "Run Process" activity as stated in http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KBv4/Activity+Form+Mapping

        Run Process is a special activity whereby it can also be mapped to a form. User will see this form before the actual start of the process. The process will only start after the user submits the form. This is particularly useful to reduce unnecessary creation of process instances.

        1. Lionel Bompart

          Hi, doing so, it's totally true that you avoid the creation of unwanted process instances but on the other hand you lose the possibility to "save as draft".

          Is there a way to achieve the following behaviour:

          • Show the form to be filled in with submit and save as draft buttons available,


          • Create a process instance only if save as draft or submit button has been pushed
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