
I experts , I have a JS to get values from a subform but I have a problems to get values from a couple of fields.

In the chrome console I can see the value stored in the object, but I can't pass this value to a variable as the other values that I get from the same form.

This is the piece of code that I'm using

<script type="text/javascript">
                parcial = $("#sub1_ver_requisicion_aprov_parcial"); //Get subform value
                //console.log("Salida1: " + parcial.val());
                console.log("Salida1: " + String(parcial["0"]["value"]));
                nivel_apro = $("#sub1_ver_requisicion_nivel_de_aprovisionamiento"); //Get subform value
                console.log(".val() : " + nivel_apro.val());
                console.log("id : " + nivel_apro["0"]["id"]);  
                console.log("value: " + nivel_apro["0"].value);
                estatus = $("#sub1_ver_requisicion_status"); //Get subform value
                console.log(".val(): " + estatus.val());
                console.log("value brackets: " + estatus["0"]["value"]);
                console.log("value: " + estatus["0"].value);
                $(field7).val(nivel_apro["0"]["id"]); //Set field to value of subform

This is the value of the field in the subform

This is the outputs from the fields nivel_de_aprovisionamiento and  status  , the first one is a field type calculation and the second is a list box.

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    1 answer


      Hi. it is hard to investigate on what is happening within your form without seeing the app/sample app.
      this KB have the exact requirement that you want Getting Value of Subform

      You can modify the code to adjust to your requirement of getting several other values and pass it to the set variable. 


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