
We are trying to integrate Joget with our 3rd party soft.
We observed that when we create a process by API, and we fill variables in some steps the formdata_* tables are not filled. This making us bit confused, because then we dont see this variables in userview (for example subject).
We are trying to add sql insert to formdata_table but I thing that we missing some other table with references - can you tell me what we are missing? Or maybe there is some documentation with description off entity relationship and insert steps?.

In my opinion there is missing POST method to send to joget data in json format (for longer values),

or some method like form filling - then many things should be much easier.

Best Regards!

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  1. Hi, are you saying that, when starting a process using JSON API, some of the fields of a form, are still left blank in formdata_ table? In this case, ya, starting a process, doesn't mean the form is filled. For a human activity, the form still needs to be filled up by a participant.

    If you would like to pass some data into a process, you can declare workflow variables, and set value into workflow variables using API.

  2. Yes, you are 100% right.

    I want to save some data in forms.

    WE created many forms with one sql Table, We are using UserViews etc.

    When I create new process I want to create a row in RDBMS in formdata table.

    I know that id from formdata_* is connected with formdata_*_metada dynamicformid

    I dont have any idea how is constructed id from formdata_* ???????????

    can you explain it?

    e.g. "40f876dd-c0a80021-192c07a0-780aa102"

    this c0a80021 is mostly constant - why?

    how to generete this values?

    Best regards!


    1. Hi Jakub,

      It is not possible to use the JSON API to submit the form data. You will need to handle and store the form data externally by yourself or you may want to consider using Joget form.

      Hope it helps.

  3. All I need, is knowledge about how to insert SQL data in formdata_formname and formdata_formname_metadata.

    I mean Id field from formdata_formname (how it is generated).

    Best regards