Hello everyone,

I am having some bit of problem getting my plugin up in Joget v3. I have created a new plugin and implemented the necessary interfaces (Plugin and PluginWebSupport) and built it using 'mvn package'. I got a jar which when I upload in Joget v3 Plugin Manager reports 'Bundle group_id.artifact_id has successfully started'. However, the plugin is not listed as an installed plugin. Any help here would be appreciated.

Also, recently I tried to upload v2 plugins in v3. Since they are not compatible, the console each time reports exceptions due to the uploaded plugins. I am not able to remove them since they are not listed. I would like to know where are the plugins uploaded in Windows 7 so that I can manually remove them.



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  1. Yes there has been some major revamp between v2 and v3 and the plugins might not be universally backwards compatible (especially if you've made heavy use of forms in your v2 plugins). First thing you want to do is to remove the erroneous plugins. Plugin folders depend on your platform. If you're running linux (or its variants) you'll find it in /user/home/wflow. If you're running Windows then it'll be in your doc and settings/wflow.