I am new to joget and built a workflow with some forms and approval levels. Now that we are trying to list only the forms submitted by the specific user based on logged in ID. I tried the group based "CEO" listed but no luck. Could someone help me to configure that?

  • No labels


  1. Hi Selva,

    In your Datalist's properties, you can make use of "Extra Filter Condition"

    The example above uses the field "name" found in the "Account Form" for the filtering.

    Try it out!


    1. I have no luck yet on this. can you give some more example on this?

  2. Hi,

    I tried the above and no luck, i have keyed in as customProperties.name = "#currentUser.id#"

    Is there any other example.

    1. its ok i got it

      Changed it to customProperties.name IN ('#currentUser.username#')

      Works fine.

      1. Hello 
        I'm trying to do the same thing 
        I want that every user sees only his lines in the list 
        Can you tell me how to do it ? 
        Thank you in advance

        1. Hi, assuming you are using Joget DX7 on Google Workspace, after your are in the list.

          Click source → Select Source of Data (Binder) (Advanced Form Data Binder) → Advanced → in the extra condition, type in the key you want to use as a filter, in this case I'm using the unique username as a key to filter the list.

          Hope that helps.