Hi there,

I need to make forms editable up until the moment it is approved by the approver. So even after the submitter has submitted their form, they need to be able to edit it even if the approver has viewed it but not decided to approve it or not. Does that make sense?

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1 Comment

  1. Hello Kevin,

    Perhaps you can use the 'Save as Draft' button for this. In this way, the person who is submitting can save the form for further editing before submitting it.

    The second approach can be to allow the approver to 'Ask for a resubmission' of the form. In this way the submitter can edit the details and re-submit. For this case, you can refer the Sample CRM App. Here's the link to the CRM App run-through: http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KB/Sample+CRM+App+Run+Through

    Hope this helps.


    Ashutosh Tripathi