1. How to configure "To" parameter in Email plugin?


    I'm using email plugin and had successfully sending out email by entering email addresses manually to the plugin parameter.  Any clue how to send email based on participant involved in the workflow? I tried to use the participant name (the name that I configured when designed the workflow,e.g: applicant, manager, etc) but no success.

    Any help will be very appreciated.


    Prihadi R

    1. If you're configuring the "To (Participant ID)" field in Email Plugin, you should put in the Participant ID, not the Participant Name. We can get Participant ID by mouse-over on a participant in the Participant Mapping tab. To get this configuration work, the participant must be mapped accordingly.

      Alternatively, if you're notifying a participant who has performed an activity (activity id: x), you may also use Hash Variable in the "To (specific email address)" field:


      It means, the email address of the performer of activity x.

  2. Hi Tienson,

    Thanks for the input..apparently I always made mistake by mapping the activity (not the participant) on participant mapping tab. After unmapping everything and remapping the participant and use "Participant ID" and "#performer.ActivityID.email#" the email plugin works perfectly :D

    Thank you again :D