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If you are upgrading your current Joget v5 or v6 to Joget DX, here are your options and step by step guides. 

What's New In Joget DX Installation Files

The following are new in Joget DX:

  • Joget DX uses Glowroot for Java APM; thus a new "-javaagent" argument in needed in the startup script, example below:
    • set JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx768M -Dwflow.home=./wflow/ -javaagent:./wflow/aspectjweaver-1.8.5.jar -javaagent:./wflow/glowroot/glowroot.jar
  • Joget DX has new runtime Glowroot files in ".\wflow\glowroot\". You can retrieve these files from a fresh install of Joget DX in a temporary folder.
  • Joget DX has a higher default maximum memory allocation pool for the JVM in @-Xmx768M@. Joget DX requires more heap space and if your server has the additional RAM, do allocate more @-Xmx@ memory for better performance.
  • Joget DX installation is running on "apache-tomcat-8.5.41".
  • Joget DX installation is running on Java "jre11.0.2". However Joget DX can still run on Java 8.

Run Joget DX In My Existing v5/v6 Folder 

  1. Backup your Joget v6 installation files and v6 database.
  2. Install Joget DX into a temporary separate folder in your server as we will copy some files from here to your Joget v5/v6 folders.
  3. Make the above changes in startup script (add new "-javaagent" argument and "-Xmx" value) and copy in the Glowroot files to ".\wflow\glowroot\".
  4. Delete all the files in "\work" folder in ".\apache-tomcat-8.5.41" folder. These are cache files and can be safely deleted.
  5. Delete the "\jw" and "\jwdesigner" folders in ".\apache-tomcat-8.5.41\webapps" folder. Joget will re-create the "/jw" folder on startup.
  6. Delete the "jw.war" and "jwdesigner.war" files.
  7. Copy Joget DX's "jw.war" file into ".\apache-tomcat-8.5.41\webapps\". The source "jw.war" file is located in the same path as in v5/v6.
  8. If necessary, edit the database configuration file ".\wflow\" to point to your existing v6 database.
  9. Start Joget Apache Tomcat and monitor the joget.log.

Run Joget DX In A New Folder And Use My Existing Database

Run Joget DX In A New Folder And Use The Default New Database

Final Note

Lastly, you can download and install new plugins specially for Joget DX from to try out.

Tip: To save time in the initial DX testing, you can delay the copying of the "./wflow/app_formuploads" folder (may be too many files) and "./wflow/app_plugins" folder (to first test Joget DX with zero custom plugin) until after everything is running smoothly.

General Upgrade Flow

Compatibility: It is strongly recommended that you test the upgrade on a development or test environment first.  If you are upgrading from v3, please note that there have been security hardening changes since v4 so please refer to v4 Compatibility.

Licensing: For the Enterprise Edition, upgrades between major versions (e.g. v5 to v6) requires re-activation with a new license, so users with an active Enterprise Software Subscription are required to request for a new license.

IMPORTANT: Starting from v6.0.15, JAVA 8 is required due to fixes for vulnerability issues of a dependent library.

  1. Prepare a test server that mimics the production server as close as possible in all possible aspects (e.g. user setup, networking environment, cpu/memory capabilities, database) without cloning the production's database server. Start with a fresh new database.
  2. Once you are ready with the test server, you may try to start with a fresh database without the data but just the Apps loaded in. Run through all the functionalities of your Apps to see if everything works as expected.
  3. If Step 2 goes well, you may then try to clone the existing production database to see how your Apps fare with the existing production data. Run through all the functionalities of your Apps again to see if everything works as expected.
  4. If you have integrated Joget Workflow with other solutions, you will also need to test them accordingly.
  5. When you are ready, please continue to the next step.

Performing a Backup

Please backup your files and perform the necessary tests after the upgrade. If you are upgrading from v3, please note that there have been security hardening changes since v4 so please refer to v4 Compatibility .

Updating Joget Workflow

Do not upgrade directly in a production server without prior testing.

  1. Locate the new jw.war and jwdesigner.war files from either the:
    1. Downloadable Installers (in the /apache-tomcat-x.x.x/webapps directory); or 
    2. The Enterprise Support Site for Enterprise Software Subscribers.
  2. Stop Apache Tomcat / Joget.
  3. Backup the existing installation data (Please refer to Joget Workflow Deployment Best Practices)
  4. Delete the existing jw.warjwdesigner.warjw and jwdesigner directories in "[Joget Installation Directory]/apache-tomcat-x.x.x/webapps". 
  5. Delete the Apache Tomcat working directories i.e. the "jw" and "jwdesigner" directories in "[Joget Installation Directory]/apache-tomcat-x.x.x/work/Catalina/localhost".
  6. Copy the new jw.war and jwdesigner.war files into the Apache Tomcat webapps directory "[Joget Installation Directory]/apache-tomcat-x.x.x/webapps".
  7. Start Apache Tomcat / Joget Workflow.

Note on Upgrading Joget

If in your earlier Joget version you changed the security key and salt hash, remember to edit the customApplicationContext.xml file and add in your original key and salt hash after upgrading your Joget else you will not be able to log in to Joget with your admin account.

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