
I am trying to do a simple process with joget but I can't manage to transmit the informations between the different activities.

My process is an expense process :

- the Requestor (the person who starts the process) fill an expenses form describing his expenses and attach the receipts.

- the Manager (the person in charge of approving expenses) review the form and receipts and approve or not the expenses.

- a notification is sent by e-mail to the Requestor to notify the Manager's decision.

I followed a few tutorials and videos describing how to do such a process but I can't find which step I'm missing to transmit datas from the Requestor form to the Manager.

How can I get the informations the Requestor filled in his task in the Manager task ?

Thank you,


PS : I'm a french student so please forgive me if my english is not perfect ;)

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  1. Hi Antoine,

    can you check whether a form has been assigned to the activity under Activity mapping?

  2. Hi Antoine,

    The easiest way, is to include Requester's Form, as a sub form in Approver's Form. When you are designing Approver's Form, you will see Sub Form element on your right. Click at this, and select to embed the Requester's Form. That's all

    Take a look at http://java.dzone.com/articles/prototyping-workflow-driven-1 for descriptive writeup about the usage of Sub Form

  3. Hi both,

    thank you for answering so fast !

    the link you gave me is the tutorial I followed to build my process..

    here is my process's graph :


    here is the expenses form :

    and here is the approval form :

    I assigned the "expenses form" to the "fill the expanses form activity" and the "approval form" to the "approve" activity.

    I also included the expenses form as a subform in the approval form, as explained in the tutorial but when I run the process, the subform happens to be empty...

    How does the app know that this subform should be filled with the datas from the previous step ?

    Is there any way to explicitly get the datas from a previous step ?

    thank you,


    1. I kind of solve my problem !

      Reading the whole log in the joget server console, I figured out that there were a cast from double to string error.

      I remembered that during my trial, I created a useless float workflow variable.

      I just removed it and now my subform is filled...

      Is this cast problem a bug ? (is it gonna be fixed ?)

      should I just use string variables ?


      1. Yes, only String type is supported for workflow variable. Other types are not used. In v3, the Workflow Designer is simplified to avoid all these confusions

        1. is the v3 already available ?

          if not, will it be soon ?

          1. v3 is not released yet. Its Beta will be available in a month, but that's Beta, not a production-ready release

            You may connect with Joget Workflow on Facebook (www.facebook.com/jogetworkflow) or Twitter (@jogetworkflow) for the latest info.

        2. Hi Tiensoon,

          I want to send the file upload variable as workflow variable.can it be possible?