
I need a list of all pending assignments for a particular user not the current one so that if I am the manager then I can reassign the assignments to another user. In my current scenario I can do this only from a bean shell tool in some other process.

Please suggest how can I achieve this? Is there any utility method available ?



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  1. Hey Promod,

    How do you plan to retrieve the assignment list or where do you want to populate the list in? If you intended it to be in a listing, then probably one can develop a Datalist Binder to retrieve the user's assignments. You can try to look into WorkflowManager class to retrieve the assignments when developing the Datalist Binder.

    Take care! Cheers.


    1. Hi Hugo,

      Actually what we were trying to achieve was to get the list of all the pending assignments for a particular user in a Process Tool Bean Shell. We looked up the Workflow Manager class and all the methods to get the list of assignments available (like getAssignmentList()) were filtered only for the current user only.

      We wanted to know is there some way to get the list of all the assignments pending for a particular user in any process?



      1. Hey Ashutosh,

        You are right. The other way to do it for now is to temporarily switch the current user to the target user first and running it in a thread. You can look at UserNotificationAuditTrail class for example.


        1. Thanks Hugo.
          That worked!