
I am a beginner in Joget Workflow, and I have been reading and following your tutorials and user guide, however I am unsure about the following scenario.

I am not going to use the HTML Form facility of joget. Rather, I am opting to create a portal front end external of the joget workflow. Reasons are various and valid, but mostly because I require an independant infrastructure as to have the flexibility required to do somce complex tasks inside it. However, I would like Joget to be the workflow manager of this, and therefore, I would like to have the facility of having an activity which would represent a particular phase, or state in a workflow.

For example, I have this simple workflow:

Start -> Activity1 -> Database Insertion Tool --> End

Now, Activity One, apart from recieving Accept and Complete call from the external application which I have mentioned above, it should also recieve additional information from the external application, so that this activity will forward such information to the database insertion tool. My question is, is it possible to set variable inside an activity which can be set remotely via JSON? Or, is there an alternative method on how to implement such a scenario? I have taken a look at the hash variables section, however it seems that the hash variables are only set for specific fucntions of Joget.. example assignment, users etc. The thing which goes close is the requestParameter hash variable, however the documentation is really lacking on how to implement such thing. From and how should these requestParameters be set? If they are sent by an external Json call, how are they set?

Also, the use of workflow variables is not desirable. I simply do not want a clutter of workflow variables if I want to extend a workflow for other applications interacting with each other via the workflow.

Your assistance is appreciated as we are still evaluating whether we should go for this product or not.

Best Regards,


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  1. i can not understand your question very well and what you are trying to achieve, but if you need to send a variable to the joget just to send this variable to the database, why you just insert the value directly from the external system to the DB? on the other hand if the variable is meangful to joget then using workflow variable will be a good choice espically if the value of this varialbe can affect the workflow routing...

    1. I apologize if I have not explained my problem correctly. First and foremost, having direct connection with a database is something which I would like to avoid. I want the workflow manager to route the data to database or to any back end system that is required. This is a dogma for scalable software architecture. Secondly, what I am asking is:

      Consider having a front end which has 3 screens, and each screen have different number of data fields in it. Say, screen A has 2 fields, screen B has 5 fields, and screen C has 1 field. Including these variables in the workflow variables would mean that this workflow, if it is used from other applications apart from this one, would have to have 8 workflow variables + others, of other system. Just imagine that from activity 1 then I would want to have an option to go to other activities before inserting the data into the database, possibly activities which would also require external application interaction. Can you imagine the amount of cluttered workflow variables I would have in the workflow?

      What I am asking is, is it possible to have variables inside the activity scope only, and as such, I can set them remotely via a JSON call. Now, there is a JSON call defined in the api which sets variables inside activities, such as the web/json/workflow/assignment/variable/(:activityId)/(:variable) call, however, it seems that activity variables can only be defined via a form.. is it correct?