- Daniel: Workflow variables with a number in front cannot be used for conditions in routes. The workflow will stop here and cannot be continued. (3.0.3 451)

- Joget Workflow: Hi Daniel, may I know on how do you write out the conditions? Please follow on in the community forum ya. Thanks.

- Daniel: I.e. " 22_revisionsdone=='true' ". I used underscore in other variables without problems.

Bet regards,


  • No labels


  1. Hi Daniel,

    Are you getting any error in your server log?

    1. Hi Hugo,

      where can I find the joget server logs?

      1. Hi Daniel,

        The log file is located in your (Joget installation folder)\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\logs.

        Anyway, the cause of the problem is that the condition will be evaluated in Javascript and as with most programming languages, a variable name should be start with a numeral.

        See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/342152/why-cant-variable-names-start-with-numbers


        1. Okay,

          I don't have to get numeric variables running and I already fixed the case before posting this issue.

          Maybe you implement a regex validation into the workflow designer in a future version, so others don't get stuck in this implementation issue.

          Best regards,


          1. Hi Daniel,

            I don't seem to see the relationship between having variable name that starts with number and having regular expression in writing the condition. Are you trying to achieve the latter?
