I am working on a web application that has been built on JavaServer Faces.

This app needs to support two kinds of use cases:

a. "power" users who create web forms (online)

b. regular users who fill in these same forms

Is it possible to integrate the Joget Form builder into a web app to accomplish [a]?

I'm looking at the JSON API and JavaScript API.  I might be missing something obvious, but I don't see how to start the Form Builder using an API.

Thanks for any suggestions!



  1. Most of the APIs, as far as I can see, is to manage process instances and nothing on managing any of the builders (form, list, userview, process).

    1. Thank you for chiming in, Walter.  It would be nice if the builders were scriptable and could be used in standalone fashion.  But maybe that kind of functionality is considered outside of the mainstream use cases for joget.  Cheers -E