Hi. I am quite fresh to Joget Workflow, lately started to test, play around and translate to Polish. I have found a bug (? - at least with my v3 eval installation on Windows) - if there are some multiple #: keys for same message text in .po file, only last key translation is loaded to the database, the others are just ignored and I need to add them manually in the system setting menu. Wanted to report a bug, but, hm... where? Forum is rather not a place to handle bugs in a way moving the project really forward... Are you havig any bug tracker implemeted? Just could not find it... (sad) If yes, where can I find it? If not, is it ever planned? Any Bugzilla, or anything similar? Thanks for sheding any light on above, regards

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Andrzej,

    Thanks for the feedback and translation effort. Actually there is a bug tracker and issue management system, but it is not publicly available and only accessible to the core project team members.

    At the moment, if bugs are reported in the forums and verified, then it's tracked in the system and usually shared at the Known Issues page
