Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Userview - Theme inbox does not load in IE11.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : PWA - Offline submission is not working due to regression regarding CSRF token is passed in URL.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Run Process - Does not handle recordId parameter correctly due to regression.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : FormUtil - getElementPropertyValue method does not return primary key value correctly for id field when load binder return null.
[ MODIFIED ]     OTHERS     : Update repository URL to https.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Multi Tools - Property Editor ElementSelect throws 404 not found mode-undefined.js.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Using default landing app as default login page when you try to login.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Admin Bar - Edit User - multi selectbox selected background color is block by background color.

Professional, Enterprise & Cloud Editions

[ FIXED ]        PLUGINS    : Janux Theme - Theme inbox does not load in IE11.
[ MODIFIED ]     PLUGINS    : Spreadsheet - Not able to show context menu by long touch in IOS.

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