
The Simple Rules Decision plugin is a no-code configurable approach to defining routing and actions within a process

Please take note that the Decision Tool Plugin will take precedence over the existing conventional conditional setup in the Process Builder

Simple Rules Decision Properties

Configure Simple Rules Decision

Click on a Route and click Mapping to access Configure Mapping.

Figure 1


The Rules properties are defined here (see Figure 1):

Add RuleAdd a Rule. see Add Rule properties below
Add ActionAdds an Action within the ELSE THEN statement. see Add Action properties below

Add Rule


Toggle between EQUAL and NOT EQUAL
Split Type
  • AND
  • OR
Add ConditionAdds a Condition within the IF statement. see Add Condition properties below
Add GroupAdds a Group within the IF statement. Properties will be similar in Add Rule properties
Delete Rule
Sort - Click and drag to reorder Rule above or below another Rule
Add ActionAdds an Action within the THEN statement.

Add Condition


Toggle between EQUAL and NOT EQUAL

User input the variable name.

  • Equal


Checks if the workflow variable is equal to the specified value.

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:

Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "country" value is "USA", based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.

  • Greater Than

Greater Than

Checks if the workflow variable is greater than the specified value.

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:

Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "price" value is greater than "2", based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.

  • Greater Than Or Equal To

Greater Than Or Equal To

Checks if the workflow variable is greater than OR equal to the specified value.

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:

Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "price" value is greater than OR equal to "2", based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.

  • Less Than

Less Than

Checks if the workflow variable is less than the specified value.

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:

Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "price" value is less than "2", based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.

  • Less Than Or Equal To

Less Than Or Equal To

Checks if the workflow variable is less than OR equal to the specified value.

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:


Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "price" value is less than OR equal to "2", based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.

  • Is True

is True

Checks if the workflow variable matches with value "1" or "true"

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:

Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "isUrgent" value is true, based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.

  • Is False

Is False

Checks if the workflow variable matches with value "0" or "false"

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:

Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "isUrgent" value is false, based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.

  • Contains


Checks if the value of a field contains a specified substring in a value.

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:

Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "country" value contains the substring "US" (e.g., "USA", "USSR"), based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.

  • In


Checks if the country field matches any one of the values in a specified list of values.

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:


A ";" must be added in between items of specified value for it to work. (Item1;Item2;Item3)

Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "country" value matches any one of the values in the specified list ("USA", "Canada", or "Mexico"), based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.

  • Regex Match

Regex Match

Evaluates whether the value of a field matches a regular expressions (regex) specific pattern.

Simple Rules example configuration as shown:

The following workflow design is used:

Based on the workflow above, if the workflow variable "email" matches the pattern of a valid .com email address ("^[\\w.%+-]+@[\\w.-]+\\.com$", e.g., based on conditions configured in the decision plugin, it will direct to Activity 1. For any other value, it will follow the Else Then condition and route to the "otherwise" transition to Activity 2.


User to input the value of the Variable

Delete Condition

Add Action

  • Transition
  • Workflow Variable

Will display a selection of all available transitions based on the selected Route inserted as part of the process flow


This field will be displayed if Transition is selected in the Type field.

Workflow Variable

Will display a selection of all available workflow variables based on the current Process


This field will be displayed if Workflow Variable is selected in the Type field.


User to input the value of the selected Workflow Variable


This field will be displayed if Workflow Variable is selected in the Type field.

Delete Action

Sample App


  • No labels