Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        UI         : DX8 Theme - RTL label position top issue.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Form - Label position top issue.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : X-Admin Theme - Fixed calculation field value top label rtl issue.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : JSON Tool - FIxed string extraction logic error for subkey.

[ MODIFIED ]     UI         : AppUtil/RequestParameterHashVariable - Added method to set and get partial parse flag.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Color Picker - Color always reset to white.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Grid - Store Binder of child element unable to update value in row data.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Form Builder - The prefix overlaps the table name in RTL.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : FormPdfUtil - Report HTML of report builder is not same with PDF due to DX 8 theme style.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Form - Regression of Visibility control not working when custom parameter name is used and there are same section id.

[ FIXED ]        LIST       : List - Action link & button HTML attributes are not escape correctly.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : User Profile - Long password & password contains html tag may fail validation.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Import App - Extra prefix on form data tables after import when table indexes are used.

[ FIXED ]        SECURITY   : Security - Upgrade Apache Tomcat to 9.0.90 for CVE-2024-34750.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : List Inbox - Not working with PostgreSQL.

Professional, Enterprise & Cloud Editions

[ FIXED ]        UI       : Janux Theme - RTL style issue.

[ FIXED ]        PROCESS    : Process Status Formatter - Fixed popup width issue on smaller displays.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : Janux Theme - Fixed date icon position for Janux theme.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Form Grid - Fixed error obtaining request parameter for popup form.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Calender - Modified the css of the calender's header so it wont overlap.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Invalid password format when some symbol chars used.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Popup Select Box - HTML label is not handled.

[ FIXED ]        LIST       : JDBC List Binder - Not working correctly when column name contains space.

[ FIXED ]        SECURITY   : Upgrade Apache Tomcat to 9.0.90 for CVE-2024-34750.

[ FIXED ]        LIST       : JDBC List Binder - List Inbox not working with PostgreSQL.

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