2 answers


    If you want to hide the whole infromation tile then you can use the method given in Ginger's comment.
    If you want to display all tiles with the data only specific to logged in user then you can use sql query or advance binder with datalist hash variable. 
    Create a datalist and write a query using "currentUser.username" (Hash Variable#CurrentUserHashVariable) hash variable to get the data of the logged in user. Then use datalist hash variables (Hash Variable#DatalistHashVariable. I would recommend "#datalist.col.csv.ID.column[FILTER_PARAMETERS]#") on information tiles in the "values" field to display that data


    1. Paul Dhinakaran Nambi

      Anas Misbah ShamiThanks for your information. The situation is that I have a common list named "inbox" which receives data commonly. However, I need to filter the data according to the logged-in user and display the total number of emails in their inbox per logged-in user in their information tile.

    2. Paul Dhinakaran Nambi
      • Anas Misbah Shami  Inbox i have only 2 message but in the Information Tile i have 10 display ,how to solve that ?
    3. Anas Misbah Shami

      Paul Dhinakaran Nambi the datalist hash variable takes in filter input too, you can pass username of the user to the filter to get the required data

    4. Paul Dhinakaran Nambi

      Anas Misbah Shami  can you please give me any example that .. I have used data list variables #datalist.size.mylistId# in the value  of information tile.


    5. Anas Misbah Shami

      Can you create a small application with your usecase and send it to me?
      I will update it accordingly and send it back.

    6. Paul Dhinakaran Nambi

      Anas Misbah Shami Can you please send me with default app  CRM in Joget market app ? 

    7. Anas Misbah Shami

      Please send me an email at anas@rippleberry.net
      I will share the CRM File. Check the first tile in Dashboard

    8. Anas Misbah Shami

      Check the 1st info tile configuration in the dashboard

    9. Paul Dhinakaran Nambi

      Anas Misbah Shami Hi Anas , my use case is ,If admin logs in , he want to see how many number of request in his inbox to be displayed on the Information tile .i Have use that  Hash variable ,but i am getting the same value in the information .

    10. Anas Misbah Shami

      The hashvariable is just returning the data from your datalist. If your datalist is configured properly then it should work.

    11. Anas Misbah Shami

      I havent tried this but you can try this one
      Hash Variable#uiListCountHashVariable 

    12. Paul Dhinakaran Nambi

      Anas Misbah Shami It works with #uiListCount HashVariable.!! Thank you so much ..

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    you can make use the permission in the UI Builder. 
    This way you can set specific information tile for the visibility of specific group of user. 

    Example : 
    Navigate to the UI Builder > Edit page Component ( Where the Information Tile is) > Click on Advanced tools (Permission ).

    You san set Permission based on User type/group/Department.
    read more on permission here : Permission Control

    Hope it helps!

    1. Paul Dhinakaran Nambi

       Ginger Ok thanks, for example i want to display value of the total request in the information tile  in dashboard for admin and manager as per users  logged in  and data must be pulled from the common list ..

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