Can you have a 1:N relationship between Activities? Or are the Activities meant to always have a 1:1 relationship?

For example: Let's say I have Activity A: Create Campaign and Activity B: Create Work Order. And Activity A ---> Activity B. And let's say in the Activity A the user inputs N, where N is the # of Work Orders they would like done. Is there anyway to automatically run 'Activity B' N times, which would create N Work Order tasks. 

Is this possible? Suggestions anyone? 

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  1. Not in the design time (workflow designer). But this is definitely achievable thru mapping the activity (Activity A to a Tool) to a tool where we can write our own beanshell script to spawn new processes (thus the tasks) but keep in mind that we will need to somehow be able link back the newly spawned processes back to the original process instance.

    Or else, if you don't need to have multiple concurrent 'Activity B', we can always make use of workflow variable and setting the conditions so that it would loop N times after each 'Activity B' ends.

    Just some food thought. Any other opinions are most welcomed!