Is there an api to autocreate some process instances?

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  1. Hi Nima,

    There are many ways we can create new instances of process. I'll give you an example here, in each of the "Update Process" of your processes, you will notice an attribute called "Link To Run Process".

    Using this url, you can create new process instance. Of course, beforehand, it will prompt the user to login if needed to or you can pass in j_username and j_password as its parameters as well.

    Other than that, you can also make json call to http://localhost:8080/wflow-wfweb/web/json/workflow/process/start/\[process def id] and again you can pass in the credential into the call.

    For example, I'll make a json call to http://localhost:8080/wflow-wfweb/web/json/workflow/process/start/simple_package:1:newpkg1_wp1?j_username=cat&j_password=cat and this is the object that get returned





    If there's value returned, that would means that a process instance has been successfully created. You may use the json plugin to make the json call if you want this to be part of your process flow too!

    Hope it helps!

    1. Thank you Hugo. My challenge is that I have an Excel list of data that I would like to import to joget as process instances. So I am searching for a way to automate the initial import since the excel file is very large and has many form fields.

  2. Hi Hugo, can I add new parameter in the response?I would like to return value retrieve from db