Hi all,

I'm having trouble accessing form grid values...

I manage to access a text field value (the name for example : #form.name#) but I cannot acces to a grid value...

Is there any limitation on the hash variables in the beanshell plugin ?

I would need to calculate a sum on a column of the grid and put it in a workflow variable, is there a better way than the beanshell plugin ?

How can I access to my grid's values in a beanshell script ?



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  1. Nobody can help ?

    I would really need this functionnality to work...

  2. Hi,

    Ya, the #form# Hash Variable doesn't work for values captured from Grid.

    However, that doesn't mean that your use case couldn't be achieved. Instead of using BeanShell Plugin, this is my suggestion:

    1. Insert a Hidden Field into your form, name it as "sum" (for example), and set its associative workflow variable as "sum" (assuming you have created this workflow variable in Workflow Designer).
    2. Insert Custom HTML into your form.
    3. In the Custom HTML element, use JavaScript (supports jQuery too) to calculate the sum.
    4. Then, use JavaScript to set the value of "sum" Hidden Field, as the calculated summation.

    In this case, the Hidden Field will carry the calculated summation value before form submission, and the value will ultimately be set into a workflow variable.