
I have few question regarding the JoGet workflow.

I want to use only the joget workflow service, is it possible? we have our own systems that stores all the organizational heirarchy, I can pass this heirarchy details to joget applications to store the details - is it possible?

is joget got any APIs to create , retrieve the workflow process, does it have any APIs to interface with external applications? if yes can you please share with us?, instead of access through URL, It would be nice if I have any jar and I can use the jar file inside my application and make it as configurable in my application xml settings to run the workflow as a seperate service.

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  1. Hi Vinoth, everything you are looking for is available at Developer Reference. Besides, you can also take a look at the slides on integration architecture for high-level overview.

  2. The URLs in the APIs are JSON API, so you can actually call the API from your standard Java classes as well. However, if you are looking at the possibility of only using the workflow engine in Joget Workflow (and not other components), you have to dissemble the components from source :) Or, look for other workflow engine library project, instead of a system. 

  3. Thanks for your reply,

    I am using the below jar file  in my class path..


    I can't find any class called WorkflowManager, should I need to use any other jar inorder to access the "org.joget.workflow.model.service"?,

    1. These are actually the plugins for Joget Workflow (OSGi packages). They are not meant to live outside of Joget Workflow architecture. And in fact, you can't just extract a JAR file out from Joget Workflow, package into your classpath and expect it to work. It won't, as there are other dependencies. So, if you are looking at achieving the use cases you have described, as in to start a process from external application, JSON API is the best option. It's the same concept as using Twitter's API to post a tweet from third party client, instead of embedding Twitter's libraries :)