I insert select box bind with department another two fields are there for manager name and manager email what I want is when ever I select department the read only field will show manager name and he's email.

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  1. Use a AJAX Sub Form to reload manager information on demand.

    OR, try to use [http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KB/Dynamic+Cascading+Drop-Down+List|]

  2. I used this [http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KB/Dynamic+Cascading+Drop-Down+List|] but still have problem I bind it with user and depend on another select box which contains all departments the problem now the field show me all user on the department which I select I need it to show only manager name.

  3. this issue solved I added one group for managers the bind the select with users controlled by managers group and it done when I changed the department manager name will change.